InterVarsity Graduate Arts Group 

InterVarsity Arts is a campus based community of arts folks who, from a Christian perspective, look at the practical connection between art, life, and faith.  Everyone is welcome! 

What: A relaxed meal, followed by practical discussion about processing the real issues and pressures of competition and performance, what  is needed to thrive in the arts world after graduation, and questions of the integration of culture, art, and faith.

Where: Dick Ryan’s home at 611 Milburn Street in Evanston, north end of campus across from Long Field.

When: there are 3 options

  1. 4 Saturdays starting February 2nd; 8:30 breakfast, finish at 10:30 
  2. 4 Sundays starting February 3rd; 1:30 lunch, finish at 3:30
  3. 4 Mondays starting February 4th; 5:30 pm dinner, finish at 7:30                                                                     

Contact: Dick Ryan, 847-864-2704, for questions or to RSVP (FREE FOOD! But we need to know if you are coming so we can plan the meals.)